- There are about 3 million stutterers in the USA and 45 million in the World.
- More boys stutter than girls, about 4 or 5 boys to 1 girl.
- There is no known cause but much is known about contributing factors.
- There appears to be a hereditary factor: 12.5% have someone in immediate family that stutters and 25% have another relative e.g. uncle, cousin…
- Head injury can cause a different form of stuttering.
- Research indicates no physiological differences between stutterers and non-stutterers. Some brain research working on these claims, too soon to tell.
- There are no personality or intellectual differences.
- Stuttering begins in childhood from ages 2 to 5 yrs old, when language is being learned.
- 25% of all children go through a developmental stage when they stutter; 4% may stutter for 6 months or more. 20 – 25% continue to stutter and need therapy.
- “Recoveries” are never quick; they are gradual, with ups and downs. Recovered stutterers may still stutter, but are not concerned and do not struggle with it—they feel no need to hide it.
- There is no miracle cure but great help, and hope, for easy speech.
- Some stutterers may recover spontaneously at 2 different times: Puberty (about 12 yrs old) or young adult (about high school graduation).
- Fluency is never perfect for anyone.
- Stuttering varies from time to time, situations –cyclic in nature.
- There are no special words or sounds for stutterers—only those which become feared.
- Authority figures are usually most difficult to talk to.
- Stutterers have greatest difficulty talking about themselves: name, age, address, etc.
- Time pressure and tension are 2 important factors that increase stuttering.
- Excitement, fatigue, confusion and uncertainty increase stuttering.
- Often self-consciousness about stuttering affects job choices.
- Teen years are difficult as dating and social interaction begin.
- Praising fluency does not help; it implies that stuttering is bad.
- Stuttering is like an iceberg; 7/8ths is beneath the surface speech act.
- Eye contact and pausing decreases stuttering.
- Learn to communicate even with stuttering. Give yourself permission to.
(Much of the above from Vivian Sheehan handout)